Do you make monthly goals each month?

Can you believe it’s already May! We’ve been safe at home now for 7 weeks now and here, we will continue to be safe at home for a while. And while life is not fully stopped, we have slowed down and enjoyed it a bit more.

But I still have goals, both personal and professional. I love making goals for the month. It’s kind of a short, concise to – do list for the month. I’ve learned that like most days, months don’t always go as planned, so if I don’t finish or even start my goals for the month it is totally ok! I let it go, and just move on to the next month!

Family Monthly Goals

Start Meal Planning. Years ago I meal planned and couponed and did all those great things. But then life got busy and it was just too hard. Now that we are home and going through food like it’s sunscreen on a beach day, I think it’s time to get back into meal planning. My youngest daughter likes to cook and enjoys being in the kitchen. I would love to get her involved in the process as well. This great planner would make it easy for her to keep track too!

Cross more off my to – do list. I have had a home improvement list for years now. When we were ordered to stay safe at home, I made the commitment to begin the list. I figured I’d be home for months and could get it all done. The biggest part of my list is painting my entire interior of my house. I really dislike painting!!! So it has literally taken me a month to just do the hallways. But I am going to suck it up and start finishing this to – do list so I can start enjoying the summer! So watch out, a lot more DIY posts will be coming!

Plan a family outing. In the past 7 weeks, we haven’t been able to get out of the house and do anything as a family. We love spring and summer and love to hike. My husband works around the clock fighting this awful virus, but I would love to spend one of his off days doing something we love, outside the house. Maybe a nice waterfall hike and picnic! Time to plan!

Personal Monthly Goals

Exercise more. I’ve totally ignored all my friends who wake up and do these amazing workouts at home. I haven’t signed up for any free workout programs, I’ve avoided getting back into running. I’m not lazy, in fact far from it. But as an ex competitive gymnast, formal workouts seem more like a job than fun. But I would love to find something I enjoy and get back into it for health reasons. I’m proud to say that my two teenage girls have been working out together everyday they’ve been home! So proud!

Spread more love! I wanted to send some love to people during this time. After some thinking, I decided to send “happy mail” to friends and family. We all love opening up the mailbox and getting something that’s not junk or bills. I bought fun stickers and have lots of cheap cards and have been sending out mail each week. I would love to continue this during the month of May. My kids have even joined me and send out “happy mail” to their friends, and the responses they get bring them so much joy! Such an easy thing to do, but something that really spreads love!

Finish 1 fiction and 1 non-fiction book. I love to read and most of the time I don’t have the time. But now that life has slowed down a bit I have enjoyed reading a little bit more! And my kids have started reading more than they usually do. This month I would like to complete one fiction and one non-fiction book. I love self-improvement books and have been reading more of them lately. This month I want to read Rachel Hollis’ “Girl, Stop Apologizing“.

More self care. I’ve posted about my struggle during this time with finding me time. I know my kids are older and I don’t have to do everything for them all day long, but they are always around! I love them with all my heart, but mommy needs some time alone to regroup! This month I would love to find some more me time during the day, maybe a few facial masks and a nap in the middle of the afternoon?!? Is that too much to ask??

Professional Monthly Goals

Post more blog posts. I will be honest. I have been struggling with the blog. I use this space for positive thoughts and encouragement for other woman and moms. But in the past 7 weeks, I have had a hard time finding that voice. I’ve been honest on my social media with my struggles in hopes that other woman know they are not alone. But I haven’t had the drive to post here on this space. My goal this month is to get back to posting regularly for everyone.

Sell more shirts. Almost 8 weeks ago our schools closed. Due to this I lost one of my part-time jobs, babysitting for teachers. The income I make from this is how we pay cash for college. A year ago I decided to close my small business, a lucrative embroidery business, but I kept my hobby making and selling graphic tees. So when we needed income for our tuition savings account, I started pushing my hobby a little more, doing weekly specials. It’s been great and I’ve made almost as much as I have lost and I plan to continue throughout the summer!

Printable Monthly Goals Page and May Monthly Calendar

If you like to write down your monthly goals like myself I have created a printable for you. Print it and post it in your room, hang it on the inside of your closet or add it to your planner. And let me know what your goals are for the month of May!

I’ve also included a free basic monthly calendar to download. You can print it out, put on your phone or computer desktop. Enjoy! Happy May friends!