The Modern Simplest Simple life in a modern world.


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  1. Ryan Clark

    I've been loving our lambskin we got from The thing fits everywhere and our little one just adores it.

  2. ~Heidi~

    …and because my teenager has a y chromosome his insurance is even more. How is that even legal?

  3. Linda Henderson

    Great job rearing your children. They will make you proud, and you will give the glory to God for giving you the wisdom to bring them up in the nurture of the Lord!!!

  4. John Evans

    Thank you for your devotion and love for these youth. Your presence is something they cherish and value and that says volumes about you and your ability to embrace them where they are at! Thank you for everything!

  5. Aunt Jen

    Kerry, this is super!!! Love it, look forward to reading all blog notices.

  6. John Evans

    Thank you Kerry – it is one thing to have a word for the year, it is another to have a well-developed and “intentional” reason why. Not to mention being able to reflect on the previous year’s word. I’m jealous and very humbled by your dedication to the activity. I don’t have a word from last year – and that is partly why I’m trying to write this comment – so that I will put more emphasis on why I think this year’s word is needed in my life. The word I’m choosing for this year is “gratitude.” I feel that I often neglect this aspect of my walk. Clearly I have more things to be grateful for then I have time in a day to reflect upon, so why is it so easy to neglect finding the time and dedication to express my gratitude to even just one of those things each day. As I wander through this year, I plan to look for even the smallest of things to realize the gratitude I should express – to people, for God’s gifts, for moments with family, for time alone, for work, for…. well you get the idea. Thanks.

    1. admin

      What a great word! Gratitude is a great way to improve everyday life! Thanks for sharing here, a great way to be held accountable!

  7. Liz

    These are such good reminders!

  8. Tina

    Kerry, This was beautiful. I admire your outlook and wish I could find that same peace.

    1. KerryAnn

      Thank you! Prayers you find peace!

  9. Caroline

    I really liked the part that you wrote, “my mourning is about me, not them.” This is a perspective I never thought about but it is really true. I am sorry for your loss and hope you find peace moving forward.

    1. KerryAnn

      Thank you. Yes, I’ve had to think about grieving and the mourning process and really how we move forward.

    1. KerryAnn

      Thank you!

  10. Elizabeth Elkassih

    Although all my 3 daughters are grown and are now young adults, I so enjoyed being a full-time mother to them. I enjoyed this article very much. Yes, we all should find joy and peace and be grateful for what we have in our life. I wear my crown proudly every day! Thanks for sharing.

    1. KerryAnn

      I love to hear other mother’s who love their journey of motherhood! Thank you for your love!

  11. My current favorite Devotion & December's Give Away! - The Modern Simplest

    […] is great to use for the year if you are joining me in being your best self (you can find the post here). It all starts from within when we are on this journey. Grab this devotion now and add it to your […]

  12. Mila

    I love these tips, it’s so important to have a greatful heart and mind.

    1. KerryAnn

      Thank you! I so wholeheartedly believe it is so important!

  13. Sarah

    Mind over matter–heart over mind. That is way that I have always seen things in life. It is essential to have a good heart in this life simply because there is a lot of darkness in the world. I always believe that being the light in this darkness will benefit everyone and can even help those trapped in the dark be introduced to the light. Of course this doesn’t mean being too nice, as you won’t get by in life being too kind to people. Understanding people is crucial and having a strong heart and mind will allow you to never lose yourself or allow yourself to be bullied ever into any madness. Great blog.

    1. KerryAnn

      What a wonderful insight! I love your view. Thank you for sharing!

  14. Rawda

    Perfect timing! We need to practice gratefulness more

    1. KerryAnn

      Yes!! Thank you!

  15. Evalyn Houchen

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  17. Jeri

    It’s encouraging to know that there are other mothers’ out there who share the same feeling and to know we are human after all!

  18. Angie

    Thank you for sharing your struggles. My son recently moved away from home too and finding that new normal took time. We all do the best we can with what we have available to us.

    1. KerryAnn

      Yes we do! I’m glad others have been able to find support through this post! Thank you!

  19. Liz

    I do hope we’re able to normalize imperfection! As much as I love Instagram and social media I see how those platforms can create an unrealistic standard. (Although I AM glad that I’m able to find and follow people on social media who are honest about the struggles!)

    1. KerryAnn

      I totally agree! Social media can be great but it can also hurt us in so many ways!

  20. Lucy

    Aw I’m so sorry you’re going through this! My son is 6 so I have ways to go before he hits college but I feel like I would feel the same way ? what if you write some flashback posts on her or some that would include her pictures? Maybe you can add some posts on being a college mom (and maybe have her send you ideas or something) just a thought but I’m sure this phase will pass! ❤️

    1. KerryAnn

      I have a plan for some college mom posts. Every stage of motherhood is hard, we all make it through. Thank you!!

  21. Marie

    Great read as a busy mum we tend to just go go go until we burn out!

    1. KerryAnn

      That’s for sure!

  22. Mila

    This was a really good read. I loved all your tips to help busy moms relax. It’s so important to stop and slow down in this busy world. It’s so important to have daily devotions with God. One of my goals this year is to Wake up at least an hour earlier and spend one on one time with the Lord. As a mom it’s so important to take care of ourselves. Thanks for these tips.

    1. KerryAnn

      Thank you! Yes, we as moms tend to be caretakers to others and never really think about caring for ourselves. I love your idea of getting up earlier and doing a devotion, that’s my favorite time of day!

  23. Liz

    I love this perspective and mindset shift!

    1. KerryAnn

      Thank you!

  24. Jodi Poyser

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    Your child deserves the best education! 🙂 Kiss you All!

  25. Nga Dietert

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    Love yourself and be happy! 🙂 Kisses!

  26. 5 Ways To Keep Calm During Anxious And Uncertain Times - The Modern Simplest

    […] only takes about 2 minutes each day and is appropriate for teens and adults. You can find it here along with more information about […]

  27. This Weeks Friday Faves - The Modern Simplest

    […] I am knocking stuff off my to-do list and loving it! I have a long list of things I want done around the house. It’s been years since I did any improvements, so now is the time. I finished my front door and it makes me so happy now! You can find the post about it here. […]

  28. Jordan

    Great ideas! Thank you for sharing.

    1. KerryAnn

      Thank you!

  29. COLLEEN - Faith, Hope, Love, & Luck

    Super cute! Love the floor…and that you painted the inside of the door!

    1. KerryAnn

      Thank you! Yes the floor is my favorite part and I love the accent color on the door for the pop.

  30. Liz

    Such an amazing transformation! those peel and stick floor tiles are so awesome!

  31. Casey

    That floor is awesome, what a fun idea!

    1. KerryAnn

      Thank you! I do love it! Would love to do it in an actual room like the kitchen. Hmm, next project maybe!?!?

  32. 2021: Enlighten And Reset - The Modern Simplest

    […] ended 2020 reflecting on the year. You can read the entire post here. In 2020, during a year of great change in the world, I found truth about myself and those around […]

  33. Linda J Henderson

    I really admire you for bringing the true message of Jesus. I am a Jesus follower, but I don’t always do things right. I am guilty of posting political views when I shouldn’t.
    I look forward to reading more…

    1. KerryAnn

      Thank you Linda for your comment. I think a few political posts here and there are just fine, just remember who is first in your life – God! And what he would like to see on your social media! XOXO

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